Beneath A Waning Moon
I'm dying to read this because I really enjoy the writing of both the authors, Elizabeth Hunter and Grace Draven, and the blurbs sound just the right mix of chills and sweetness:
In GASLIGHT HADES, Nathaniel Gordon walks two worlds—that of the living and the dead. Barely human, he's earned the reputation of a Bonekeeper, the scourge of grave robbers. He believes his old life over, until one dreary burial he meets the woman he once loved and almost married. Lenore Kenward stands at her father’s grave, begging the protection of the mysterious guardian, not knowing he is her lost love. Resolved to keep his distance, Nathaniel is forced to abandon his plan and accompany Lenore on a journey into the mouth of Hell where sea meets sky, and the abominations that exist beyond its barrier wait to destroy them.
And The Bollywood Bride
Ria and Vikram spent childhood summers together, a world away from Ria's exclusive boarding school in Mumbai. Their friendship grew seamlessly into love--until Ria made a shattering decision. As far as Vikram is concerned, Ria sold her soul for Bollywood stardom and it's taken him years to rebuild his life. But beneath his pent-up anger, their bond remains unchanged. And now, among those who know her best, Ria may find the courage to face the secrets she's been guarding for everyone else's benefit--and a chance to stop acting and start living.
A Taste of Heaven
It's a foodie romance between a 47-year-old widow and a 49-year-old Scottish chef and they meet on a reality cooking contest.
Food, older couple, a Scot, and romance...what's not to hook? Yup, I'm so looking forward to reading this!
When at first you don’t succeed—turn to abduction.
It’s all in a day’s work when this Siberian tiger meets the woman he wants.
An accidental kidnapping? Check.
A forced marriage? Check.
A virgin bride? Damn. There go his plans for seduction and here comes the pressure into making her first time perfect. Because everyone knows that's the one she'll remember, forever. Gulp. Add in a plane crash as well as hunters out to capture them and the heat is truly on.
10 artists auditioning for a shot at working with the Reed Brothers
10 skins, each with a story to tell
10 perfect tattoos so they'll never forget
A little bit of healing
A whole lot of heart
An anthology of ten short stories by ten different authors who are donating 100% of the proceeds to benefit Alzheimer's and brain health. Join Tammy Falkner, Jane Charles, Ava Stone, Marquita Valentine, Lexi Eddings, Lj Charles, Andris Bear, Jerrica Knight-Catania, Caren Crane and Diane Franks to help combat this terrible disease.
I'm a pretty eclectic reader and read across the board and in different genres. So here's a few more that snagged my attention:
Breaking Boundaries (SEAL Team Heartbreakers Book 5)
Harvest Moon
And, in case you want to add DARK SECRETS to your reading list: Click Here for more info!
Happy Reading!